Studio Restoration
These projects hove been restored or fabricated in my studio in Bushwick, Brooklyn

Restored detail of 19th century English mirror.
Shown after full restoration treatment. Most severe worm damage is to left wing. Treated with structural consolidation and in-gilding of affected area.
Severely damaged, required cleaning, reconstruction and partial re-gilding that was carefully treated to preserve proper character.
Detail of losses prior to restoration
Proper museum conservation using reversible materials
Shown after structural stabilization and consolidation, followed by careful reconstruction of losses, conservative in-gilding and in-painting.
Detail shows example of damage occurring over structure. Shown in process of filling losses.
Larger view shown fully restored, following museum requirements for conservation treatment, limited to damaged areas.
This sculpture was damaged on one arm and one leg. Restoration consisted of stabilization, rebuilding losses and inpainting with faux bronze technique in affected areas.
In-painting to match character of original bronzed patina
Shown completed after full restoration process.
Detail of heavily carved oak frame that was extended both ways and had half spandrel made to accommodate new art.
To perfectly match particular wood grain and carving style of the artist, extension ornaments were made through casting, followed by in-gilding and antique finishing to match existing patina.
Detail of damage on body of metal lamp.
Same detail as ‘before’ photo showing in-painted area
This image shows the same part of this lamp before and after it is restored.
This image shows the same section of this lamp before and after restoration.
This frame was made larger to accommodate a new paintings dimensions.
Finish treatment is applied to new areas to perfectly match original.
Reproduction frame is shown at this stage before finishing is applied, to match patina of original frame, sitting on the outside.
Process consisted on casting, gessoing, gold leafing, sgraffito of design and antique finishing to imitate original patina.
This frame was reduced in size to accommodate a new painting dimension. Cuts were restored to be unnoticeable on the front face of the frame as well as the back side.
Restoration process was restricted to areas of cuts and pre-existing damage. Work involved harmonization of faux marble, flower design and in-gilding.
Reproduction frame at this stage shows complete sgraffito design before antique finish is applied.
Process consists on gessoing, silver and gold leafing, sgraffito of design and antique finishing.
Detail of damaged part of the frame. Losses show small example of severity of its original state, which in some sections was simply a shell of wood.
Same detail after meticulous treatment restricted to affected areas
This sculpture arrived broken into several pieces. Put back together and restructured.
Rebuilt missing areas along with proper consolidation and localized in-painting.
These projects hove been restored or fabricated in my studio in Bushwick, Brooklyn