Golden Pigeon Logo

Golden Pigeon Logo

This image shows reflective quality of hand-designed multi-stepped sign.  Outline is painted 23 kt gold is water gilded on the reverse side of glass, using a burnished (reflective) and matte technique. 

Golden Pigeon Logo

Golden Pigeon Logo

This image shows reflective quality of hand-designed multi-stepped sign.  Outline is painted, then 23 kt gold is water gilded on the reverse side of glass, using a burnished (reflective) and matte technique. Sign is further backed up in solid paint and protected from window cleaning.

Golden Pigeon Logo

Golden Pigeon Logo

Golden Pigeon Logo

Golden Pigeon Logo

Hand drawn and designed logo. Painted first with black outline and drop shadow, then gilded with two tone (matte and burnished) effect. Sealed and backed up.

Design Process

Design Process

This sign is designed to have a very handmade quality . Font is custom designed by Golden Pigeon to have characteristics of 19th century window art and traditional glass gilded signs, however modernized to meet our brand concept.

Jungle Mural

Jungle Mural

For this project we were subcontracted under Milestone Media to make a gilded outdoor advertisement.  After the gold is applied, the letters were further recut. 

Jungle Advertisement-In Progress

Jungle Advertisement-In Progress

This picture shows Alex Spinney applying the initial gilding of letters. After this step, the letters are brushed (burnished ) down and sealed, prior to recutting letters.

in progress- Jungle Advertisement

in progress- Jungle Advertisement

This picture shows Luciana Torres applying the initial gilding of the border. After this step, the letters are brushed (burnished ) down and sealed, prior to recutting letters.

Jungle Advertisement- In Progress

Jungle Advertisement- In Progress

This picture shows the process of making a gilded outdoor andvertisement. After this step, the letters are brushed (burnished ) down and sealed, prior to recutting letters.

Lowy Sign

Lowy Sign

This sign is applied on the inside door of an Antiques showroom. It is created using traditional 23 kt. high-burnished Gold, and backed up with Black enamel, and Varnish.

 This shows and alternative view of this sign, shown at nighttime.  It is created using traditional 23 kt. high-burnished Gold, and backed up with Black enamel, and Varnish. This process is has a mirror-like effect, and shows different

This shows and alternative view of this sign, shown at nighttime.  It is created using traditional 23 kt. high-burnished Gold, and backed up with Black enamel, and Varnish. This process is has a mirror-like effect, and shows differently at various times of the day. 

 This shows and alternative view of this sign, looking through to showroom. It is created using traditional 23 kt. high-burnished Gold, and backed up with Black enamel, and Varnish. This process is has a mirror-like effect, and often takes

This shows and alternative view of this sign, looking through to showroom. It is created using traditional 23 kt. high-burnished Gold, and backed up with Black enamel, and Varnish. This process is has a mirror-like effect, and often takes on the quality of its reflection

 This shows and alternative view of this sign, looking through to showroom. It is created using traditional 23 kt. high-burnished Gold, and backed up with Black enamel, and Varnish. This process is has a mirror-like effect, and often takes

This shows and alternative view of this sign, looking through to showroom. It is created using traditional 23 kt. high-burnished Gold, and backed up with Black enamel, and Varnish. This process is has a mirror-like effect, and often takes on the quality of its reflection

 This shows the process of creating this custom sign. The gold is applied in reverse, using a hot water size directly onto the glass. The logo is then leveled and silkscreened in reverse. The excess gold around the letters is removed, and a final var

This shows the process of creating this custom sign. The gold is applied in reverse, using a hot water size directly onto the glass. The logo is then leveled and silkscreened in reverse. The excess gold around the letters is removed, and a final varnish is applied, for long term safety of sign.

 This image shows the final effect of this sign, from the inside of the showroom. The reverse side of sign shows a clean and crisp black lettering.  This can be done in colors besides black as well. 

This image shows the final effect of this sign, from the inside of the showroom. The reverse side of sign shows a clean and crisp black lettering.  This can be done in colors besides black as well. 

Window Display

Window Display

Process of laying out and centering design for reverse silkscreen gilded process.

Window Display

Window Display

This shows the same sign logo applied in a window display at the Fine Arts Building, in Manhattan. 

Window Display

Window Display

Reverse side of Glass gilded display. Image shows process pf Silkscreening custom logo, after 23 kt. gold is applied directly to glass. After this step, the excess gold is removed, and the sign is protected from future cleaning. 

Window Display

Window Display

This show the finished product of glass gilded sign, on showroom window display. This process is applied full burnished (mirror-effect) in 23 kt gold, as per clients request.